write in 50-75 words for each question

1. How can our emotions impact our critical thinking?

2.How is language defined? What are rhetorical devices and how are they used?

3.What role did your emotions have in your critical thinking abilities in that situation?

After evaluating the situation, would you have done anything differently to enhance your critical thinking?

4.Introduce the topic of critical thinking, and why it is important in daily life. 5.Explain the role of reason in critical thinking, and provide an example from your own life when you have used reason to assist with critical thinking

6.Explain the role of emotion in critical thinking, and provide an example from your own life when emotion has had an effect on your critical thinking.

7.Explain the role of communication in critical thinking, and provide an example from your own life when language or communication had an effect on your critical thinking. Consider rhetorical devices, communication styles, and cultural norms relevant to you

8.Conclude your presentation by sharing your final thoughts about the roles of reason, emotion, and communication in critical thinking.

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