watch an video and answer Q

please answer each of the following questions after viewing the film clip “Advertising Missionaries.”

video link: video

  1. Do you see the work of the “Advertising Missionaries” depicted in the film as a part of the global “homogenizing effect” discussed in your Chapter 2 reading? How so?
  2. How might the introduction of the products promoted by the troupe of actors affect traditional communities in Papua New Guinea? Do you see this as positive or negative? Why?
  3. Finally, think about the global impact of consumerism on our day-to-day lives. What are several examples of a similar “Culture of Consumerism” in American society?

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

please write less 300 words.

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