USA India Cambodia and China Mortality V GDP Data Analysis

The overall intent of this assignment is to introduce you to the wide range of data now available on national economies, including measures of welfare such as child mortality, and to develop your skills of data presentation and analysis. Please present data on the USA, China, India, and one additional country to be assigned (The additional country I assigned to is Cambodia).

The document uploaded,”Intro to PWT and other data for country report.” includes screenshot of PWT data variables you need to obtain for my country report.

And a Excel data file on child mortality from gap minder is attached.

And Below are the link of database may be used (focus on PWT):

Penn World Table 9.1, Please explore this data source:

World Development Indicator:

Gapminder, Lots of amazing data and charts. I have added one file from this source on child mortality, which is the only data required in the data analysis, but you should explore the other amazing resources here:

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