Tableau or R shinny

  • Apply visually arresting visualizations in a variety of forms, such as XY plots, histograms, bar charts, etc.
  • Apply strategies for the systematic visual exploration of multidimensional and heterogeneous data sets
  • Communicate complex data information and insight using data visualizations
  • Propose the appropriate visualization for an audience and defend choices through the evaluation of the different ways of communicating data
  • Clarify and support data visualizations through the effective use of annotation
  • Create dashboards, design scorecards, and represent spatial data through exploratory data visualization

Part 1: Analyze the data, run statistical test and plot the dashboards you see fit using Tableau or R Shiny.

Part 2: Write a paper that presents a full understanding of the data analyzed. Include:


Follow the APA style format for your paper. The written part of your paper should be no more than 5 pages; the dashboards might take another 2-5 pages. The limit is 10 pages for the whole paper.

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