Short Analyzing & Rebuttal About Texas Government Political Events

Part 1- students will find a current event related to topics in Texas government: state and local politics. Whats a summary analysis, you say? The grandaddy of all political science, Harold Lasswell, is known for defining Politics. , Ideological values, beliefs, and opinions, aside, when it comes to government and politics, his definition of the word (ironically) is probably the only thing that all mankind can agree on. Lasswell, defines politics, as “who, gets what, where, when, and how”. Apply that definition to the article’s information, or the article’s information to that definition, and write a 15-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Interject your opinion. You should be making a statement, argument, and your opinion about the subject matter, should be known. However, this needs to be done in a scholarly and academic manner. Focus on explanation, reason and rationalization, to provide a clear opinion statement and discussion of their personal perspective and political position towards the event or issue in their article. In addition, to receive full credit, students MUST include a direct link to the original article’s text that they are using to complete this assignment.

Part 2- students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate’s current event analysis, which opposes their own. MOST IMPORTANTLY, BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective. Rebuttals must be 10 sentences in length. (below is the classmate ‘s event)

Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht calls for nonpartisan judicial elections, bail reform

For pass years Texas supreme court has been having some issue on election issue that saw four major state appeals courts flip on partisan lines, Hecht called on lawmakers to consider changing Texas to a system of merit selection and retention elections. Harold Laswell define politic as who get what they want so did Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht called on the Texas Legislature to reform the system. Hecht told the high court that the partisan politics is a harsh political climate that has swept all the republicans and leave democrat like BETO. Hecht said, in the last election, Texas’ district and appellate courts “lost seven centuries of judicial experience at a single stroke”. Hecht called on lawmakers to consider shifting to a system of good selection and r elections or to at least pass legislative proposals that would increase the qualification requirements for judicial candidates. The chief justice also brought up an issue that has become a major focus for him which is Texas bail system. Federal judges recently called Texas’ money bail practices unconstitutional, saying defendants are wrongly detained simply because they are too poor to pay bond amounts for their release from jail before trial.

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