Scholarship Essays

You are to do an essay on each three topics. Send each paper in a Microsoft document.

#1 What are some financial challenges you faced as a full time student and how have you overcome them? The essay should be no more than 500 words (about one to one and a half double spaced typed pages).

# 2 Discuss your time at Georgia State University and how you manage to balance life, academics, and/or working. The essay should be no more than 500 words (about one to one and a half double spaced typed pages). SideNot: (Im a junior and I transferred from the two year campus to the main campus fall 2018)

#3 Explain your personal and family background, what you want to accomplish after college, and how your education and/or skills support these goals. The essay should be no more than 500 words (about one to one and a half double spaced typed pages).

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