Respond to 2 classmates post for Business Innovation Course



Hello Professor Towns and Classmates,

Challenging the status quo produces innovative ideas that can improve overall operations and allow an organization to grow because of creative, fresh, and diverse perspectives. I am currently employed at an NYC Hospitals. Ten questions that challenge the status quo at my current work place are as follows:

  1. What job responsibilities can be eliminated and handled electronically?
  2. What can we do to exploit the areas that make our hospital unique?
  3. Are there increases to staffing that could be made to help our current staff?
  4. What changes can be made to reduce the amount of paper used?
  5. Are we reaching out to vendors in order the get the best deals possible on supplies?
  6. Are there new technologies that we should be implementing within our medical center?
  7. How many new research studies can we add in addition to our current studies?
  8. Are there incentives such as extra PTO that we can provide to staff for exemplary performance?
  9. How can we speed up the journal entry process?
  10. Would it be efficient to outsource collections department?

“The important and difficult job is never to find the right answers, it is to find the right question” (Dyer, et al. Pg. 4) the most beneficial question for my organization was to analyze what job responsibilities can be eliminated and handled electronically? This is the most important question in addressing status quo because our finance operation has been effective for so long, there is a sense of maintaining the same processes and methods. What I find interesting is that because we are a hospital organization, there are constant upgrades to medicines, medical procedures and surgical equipment. We adopt state of the art technologies so that we can provide precision and high-quality care to your patients. On the finance side, some of the processes are antiquated and haven’t change in decades. This possess a barrier to innovation because there are no efforts to make improvements, the executive team is happy at the pace and the way things are being done without thinking about ways to make the employees more efficient and productive when performs their jobs.

After analyzing the question, I developed a suggestion of a job responsibility that can be eliminated. We maintain employee time sheets and allocate the hours and salary cost spent on different research and department studies. This process is very time consuming because it is performed manually and requires the finance team to chase down employees to complete their time sheets. I think this can be eliminated and tracked through our payroll department. We utilize a third-party payroll company to handle the processing of checks. A meeting should be set to evaluate our needs and see if our third-party payroll company can implement this innovation to elevate this responsibility from our staff with an automated approach.

The best discovery skills that would enable my organization to drive innovation and overcome creativity barriers and the status quo is Observation. At my organization, if more time was spent analyzing our processes and observing how things work, while discussing ways to improve them, it would greatly increase our productivity and creativity. Observers try all sorts of techniques to see the world in a different light (Dyer, et al. Pg. 4). This would be a great way for us to innovate and provide our staff with more support to be great.

Joseph Sardella


Dyer, J. H., Gregersen, H. B. & Christensen, C. M. (2009 Innovator’s DNA. Harvard Business Review, 87(12), 60-67. Retrieved from…


Class and Professor Towns,

Ford questioned the status quo of riding horses. Questioning other ways of transportation changed our lives forever with the invention of the automobile. Questioning the status quo at my workplace might start a revolution for the better. At least very least it may ignite ideas that may create changes that would satisfy the stakeholders. Here are 10 ideas questioning the status quo at my workplace:

  1. Why is the cast room located so far from the x-ray room since the patients might have to go back and forth for x-rays?
  2. Why doesn’t the medical assistance at my work place provide pregnancy tests for patients scheduled for MRI or X-ray exams when they are unsure of their pregnancy status?
  3. Why not allow the medical assistance to cross train between each other’s jobs in order to familiarize each other’s tasks in case when one is absent?
  4. Why doesn’t the scheduler for MRI exams have a measuring tape or some type of tool to help identify who would can or cannot fit into the machine?
  5. Why aren’t there vendor machines?
  6. Why isn’t there a computer application that can sync registered patients with radiology so I do not have to use extra time to manually input patient information?
  7. Why isn’t smoking away from entrance enforced?
  8. Why is the x-ray table not padded?
  9. Why is there no wheelchair on site?
  10. Why isn’t CPR mandatory for all staff?
  11. Why doesn’t the MRI Machine convert to stand-up MRI?

Converting an MRI machine to a stand-up machine would be so convenient to many patients. I would imagine that all that is needed is to remove the table and place a chair and maybe an interface device in order to make the switch from conventional to stand-up. This would avoid canceling the exam and having to cause an inconvenience to the patients by having them sent out to a stand-up MRI. Exams can take 20 to 40 minutes. Some patients have discomfort when lying down for a long duration. Patients wouldn’t be able to keep still which is required for the exam. Some are claustrophobic and would prefer sitting up during their exam.

The problem is there are no such convertible machines. It would have to be invented. The product would then have to be approved and installed which could take some time. Also, if such machine were to be invented it be costly for the upgrades. Maybe upgrading the present machines can be a possibility with the right and careful technology designed.

I think raising this question and bringing awareness to a need that would overcome the barrier of bringing a more convenience to patients would help catalyze this idea. Questioning is the start of breaking out of the status quo (DYER, 2009). It starts with bringing awareness that patients are dealing with the inconvenience of having to be turned away to another facility that provides a stand up MRI machine. Some patients might have to take an extra day off from work. While other patients have to sought out transportation. It can also delay diagnosis or the reports. Having an MRI machine that can be conventional and do stand-up MRI exams would be beneficial to all stakeholders including staff, owner, doctors and of course the patients and their families. Making the question aware could ignite a revolution such did Ford when he found an alternative to using horses for transportation. Questioning the status quo is the 1st step to getting the ball rolling to better our lives.

Dyer, J. H., Gregersen, H. B., & Christensen, C. M. (2009). The innovators DNA. Harvard Business Review, 87(12), 60-67.

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