Real World Application of Mathematical Programming

Read this short example: Optimizing the Transport of Oil Rig Crews on how organizations are using mathematical programming techniques to be more efficient and save millions of dollars.

If you are interested in more information about this example, follow this link to the full article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Skim the article and take note of the types of variables and constraints (not the specific math but the concepts). Notice what types of constraints were needed to ensure a feasible solution.

(2) “Real World” Applications of mathematical programming. Search Google (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and find other “real world” applications where the use of mathematical programming (using Linear / Integer / Mixed / Non-Linear Programming) helped an organization optimize its processes. Besides Google, there are several examples in the textbook chapter which can be used to begin your search. Please provide a link to the article, a synopsis of the how the company used these tools and what the result of the implementation. I am NOT looking for mathematical detail but rather a summary of the process.

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