international human resource management and corporate strategic planning


Due date: Time: Value: Length: Based on:

Monday, 14 May 2018
23:59 hours (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
2200 words ± 10%
Modules 1-9
Learning outcomes 1-5
Electronically through MyLO Assignment submission folder

Before attempting this assignment:


Ensure the ‘Assessment’ section in this Unit Outline is read and understood. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer.

Ensure you understand the assignment question(s) and/or tasks. Once again, consult your lecturer should you be unsure of any matters.

Note: All students are required to submit this assignment to be eligible to undertake the final unit examination.

Task description & requirements

Structured Essay

Human resource management has been identified as playing an important role in strategic planning and business success. This naturally can be applied in the international arena.

Identify a major international corporation, and based on your research, complete the following:

  1. Summarise the corporation’s HRH/IHRM policies and practises as described in corporate documentation, research papers and the media. [5 Marks]
  2. Discuss the actual HRM/IHRM challenges faced by this corporation in international markets. [10 Marks]
  3. Evaluate how effectively the corporation dealt with these challenges and the impact they had on operation, financial and reputational performance in the countries in question. [10 Marks]

A minimum of 15 references is required to support your discussion.

See the assessment criteria sheet on the following page for rubric setting out the criteria and the standards by which your work will be judged.


Department of Maritime and Logistics Management JNB513 International Human Resource Management 18

Assignment 3 Marking Rubric

Student: ID:
Unit code: JNB513 Unit title: International Human Resource Management
Assessor: Andrew Sertori Date: Mark: /25

Assessment criteria*

HD (High Distinction) 80%-100%

DN (Distinction) 70%-79%

CR (Credit) 60%-69%

PP (Pass) 50%-59%

NN (Fail) 0%-49%


Question 1

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1.1 Summary of policies and


All policies and practises clearly identified

Most policies and practises clearly identified

Many policies and practises clearly identified

Some policies and practises clearly identified

Too few policies and practises clearly identified

Question 2

2.1 Identify challenges


All challenges identified


Most challenges identified

Main challenges identified

Some challenges identified

Too few challenges identified


2.2 Implication of challenges


Implications very well understood

Implications well understood

Implications generally well understood

Implications fairly well understood

Implications not or poorly understood


Question 3


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3.1 Response to challenges

Responses extremely well identified and understood

Responses very well identified and understood

Responses well identified and understood

Responses somewhat well identified and understood

Responses not well identified and understood

3.2 Impact evaluated

Impact extremely well understood

Impact very well understood

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Impact well understood

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Impact acceptably understood

Impact poorly understood

Quality of communication


4.1 Clarity & succinctness

of writing


Crystal clear, precise & appropriate

Technically error- free

In the main clear & appropriate

Technically, mostly error-free

Frequently clear & appropriate

Some technical errors

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Generally clear & appropriate

Numerous technical errors


Generally unclear &/or inappropriate

Technically, deficient to the point of distraction

Conformance to prescribed formatting guidelines and referencing standards

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5.1 Referencing

Faultless application of the prescribed style

Sources acknowledged professionally

Prescribed style applied with few errors

Sources in the main acknowledged professionally

Prescribed style applied with some errors

Sources reasonably acknowledged professionally

Inconsistent application of prescribed style Significant lapses in appropriately acknowledging sources

Incorrect referencing style

Sources poorly acknowledged

5.2 Formatting

Follows all requirements

In the main requirements followed

Requirement acceptably followed

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Significantly deviates from requirements

Requirements largely ignored

* Please note that the criteria listed above are not necessarily of equal weighting, nor are they all-inclusive; they give an indication of your performance. .

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