Gun Control & Deaths A Debate Of US Policy Article Reviews

Pick a topic of interest to you that is related to your program. Write 4 sentences describing why you selected this topic.

(Gun Control)

Perform research on this topic and locate two peer-reviewed articles.

1. Gun deaths and the
gun control
debate in the USA

The Lancet

The Lancet, 21-27 October 2017, Vol.390(10105), pp.1812-1812

2. Policy Spillover and
Gun Migration: The Interstate Dynamics of State
Gun Control

Coates, Michael ; Pearson‐Merkowitzz, Shanna

Social Science Quarterly, June 2017, Vol.98(2), pp.500-512

For each article, write a two paragraph summary, incorporating at least one APA-formatted in-text ciation into each paragraph.

Conclude your work by preparing an APA-formatted reference list containing both articles that you located and summarized.

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