Examining Child Maltreatment

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The Perry Study is a detailed analysis that focuses on the development of a person while using the NMT model for therapeutics. The study targeted children and adults who have been abused or mistreated. After reading the study twice, it is to my understanding that the NMT model is broken down into three parts. Out of the three parts, I found the developmental history of the child to be an essential step in the therapeutic process. Often in therapy, it is noted about what age the abuse happens, but not physically to the brain (Perry, 2009). Perry makes an interesting connection; he states that repetitive neural input to the mind and neural networks are the reason for a child behavior for abuse might exist. For example, if a child in mentally, physically, or emotionally abused repetitively their brain will make neural connections translating the mistreatment and the reactions. I found this to strength in the study because it provides the client with a visual description of their brain as they are progressing through therapy. This can give the client reassurance that they are improving. The weakness in this approach is that it requires more than one outside professional and longer time in therapy. Perry states this in the study that 1- hour once a week in treatment is not enough to help change the neural development in a person’s brain after being abuse (Perry, 2009). Another weakness to this form of therapy is that the by age two most of our basic neuro patterns are formed and hard to re-wire (Walker, 2009).

A personal story I do have that sheds some light on Perry findings is about a student of mine. I once taught kindergarten for a summer camp. It was told to me by the principle that the little girl was raped as at one year old. The little girl would share with me that she was hurt by her mother’s boyfriend a child. I would ask her if she was okay every day as well. Even though the young girl was too little to


Perry, B. D. (2009). Examining child maltreatment through a neurodevelopmental lens: Clinical applications of the neurosequential mode of therapeutics. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 14(4), 240-255. doi: 10.1080/15325020903004350 (PsychINFO: 2009-10040-002)

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