ethics week 8 response 1

i need to answer this in 300-400 words in APA format

Surprisingly, my three-year-old daughter has to lead me to example many times as much as adults have since she has come into my life. In Psalms 8:2 it states, “Through the praise of children and infants and you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.” I strongly believe in that scripture. My daughter with her pure and innocent heart that we must put love in everything we do, we must celebrate each day and be content and grateful for what we have, and we must forgive as much and as quick as possible. All these things I listed were things I struggled with when it came to family and people before my daughter was born and even after she got here I still struggled and when I did, my daughter would randomly out of nowhere would say “mommy you should say sorry” or “mommy I think God wants us to pray and ask him?” for her to grasp the concept on who God is and what is right and wrong at the age of three, I’ve realized as an adult what is our excuse? Don’t get me wrong, my daughter is still a regular three-year-old believing everything is hers, tantrums and being picky for no reason. But she’s shown me that when people do you wrong or if you are angry at a person because they hurt your feelings in some way, you need to act on it with love such as, most of the time people feeling the way they feel when they are around you doesn’t necessarily mean it really has anything to do with you! To move forward from things like that you hug it out or show compassion and understanding which can be so hard! But you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for you to move forward whether you decide to continue to interact with this person or not, you left an impression of love, strength and kindness and impression is everything I’ve learned. To be mindful of my example I continue to pray for my enemies every day out loud, I stop if a person’s attitude has everything to do with me, and during a predicament, I pray for guidance before I do or say anything because I strive to leave a positive and a Godly impression. My faith supports this with Jesus, he may not agree with people, he did get frustrated, but he loved and forgave everyone even if he let them go or if they left off unsettled he would still approach them with no anger but with compassion.

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