Democratization Of Plus-Sized Fashion English Discussion Help

The readings will be linked below. The format is in the very bottom of the page. Please read the texts carefully and answer the question wisely.

Links to the texts:

Roxane Gay…

Lizzie Widdicombe…

Roxane Gay, in her article “My Body is Wildly Undisciplined and I Deny Myself Nearly Everything I desire,” examines the way media and social pressures impact the way fat bodies are seen, particularly the bodies of fat women, and the psychological toll it takes, outlining how she “…had no right to feel pretty, to feel good about myself, to acknowledge myself as a woman when I am clearly not following the rules for being a woman.” (Gay 3). Then, in her essay, “The Plus Side,” Lizzie Widdicombe makes the observation that, “There’s a sense that the fashion world is on the verge of a change equal to the “democratization” that’s gained momentum in the past ten years—in which runway- knockoff chains like Zara and big-box designer collaborations like Vera Wang for Kohl’s have made high fashion available to the masses.” (Widdicombe 5), indicating a sea change in the world of plus sized fashion. What impact might the Democratization of Fashion and the growing availability of fashionable plus sized clothing have on the connection between discipline, denial, and the sense of self and as described by Roxane Gay)?


Roxane Gay, “My Body is Wildly Undisciplined and I Deny Myself Nearly Everything I Desire

Lizzie Widdicombe, “Plus Size”

Questions to Consider (optional!):

  • What is meant by the “democratization” of plus sized fashion?
  • How does the fashion industry deal with concepts of Denial and Discipline?
  • How do the author’s own body types (Gay is fat and Widdicombe is thin) impact their way of thinking?
  • Both authors refer to the “rules” for the way women present themselves in public. What are these rules? How are they changing as a result of fashion activism?
  • How do these authors deal with the concept of visibility? How does the notion of being seen play into each’s argument? How do they intersect?
  • Required formatting: stapled, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-pt. font (Times New Roman), MLA format (Your headers, page numbers, and quotations should be formatted properly. See The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook.)

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