BUS599 WK5 Strayer Productions Operations Management Discussions

Please respond to the following:

  • Elaborate your own definition of production operations management, including manufacturing and service operations. Then, assess the implication of technology in your definition. Finally, appraise the impact of your previous responses to your Operations, Technology, and Management Plan development.

Please also respond to this student post also:

Hey professor and Lakeya, when it comes to good morning production operations management I immediately think of stores like Amazon and Wal-mart. Both stores produce and operate in many products that they factor and in return we are able to get the product or items that we are looking for. Both companies have invested time and utilization of expanding every angle and corner of their operations as far as household products, goods, furniture now and even cell phones. What most people don’t know is that both companies work behind the scenes of what to put out there and what name is associated with that product i.e. Apple/Samsung(product manufacturing)while those names are associated with Wal-mart and Amazons inventory (product operations) they also produce the non name brand items such as Simple mobile/tracker phones and other products because they can sell them at a lower cost but most importantly they know they will sell even if its not apart of that whole name brand scheme. Through technology they have inputted online shopping with one click check out, order on the go and in store pickup. Stores must be willing to adapt to the change that the world is headed to in order to stay on top. Both of these store are very well equipped and knowledgeable about the change that they themselves are creating robots to do what people wont do and be able to do it at a faster rate.

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