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Question: For this week’s discussion board please post a thread describing a failed service encounter that you have experienced and the recovery that the service provider offered to you. If the business did not attempt a service recovery how does that affect your patronage of that firm in the future? Which Gap or Gaps do you think were the cause of the failed service encounter. Support your choice

The most recent encounter I have had with a service establishment happens to be in the restaurant business. I enjoyed a nice meal and when I received my check at the end of the night I noticed that I had been charged additional money for items I did not receive. The restaurant had accidentally billed me some items from another table. I brought this to my waiters attention and she instantly noticed the discrepancy and brought me back a bill with the correct amount and apologized for the situation. If the business had not changed my bill I definitely would not return. I believe that gap 2 (the service design and standards gap) was the mark that wasn’t hit regarding my situation because of the clerical error I received. I think this situation would fall under the “poor service design” segment of gap 2 because of its failure to connect service design to service positioning. I believe if I was treated poorly the incident would’ve fell under gap 1 under the “inadequate service recovery” category because of its failure to recover properly. I thought the restaurant did an excellent job of dealing with the minor issue I encountered although I didn’t receive any special treatment or discounts I was pleased by the way I was treated in the situation.

Respond to one of your classmate’s Post 1 and offer a specific suggestion as to how the firm could have responded better or state why you think the response was appropriate. Do you agree with the Gap(s) identified in the first post and explain why. If not explain which gap(s) you think were the cause of the service encounter failure and why. 5-10 sentences.

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